UPDATE:  The CDC eviction moratorium has ended.  Read The Eviction Lab's FAQ to learn more.

Deanna S.

Grandbury, TX
August 12th, 2021|

Where do I begin..last Monday the Justice Court ruled in favor of my landlord. He wants to sell the RV I’ve been renting. So I don’t qualify for alot of the help offered right now. Come this Monday 8-9-2021 I’ll be homeless. And to make matters even worse; landlord is now sueing me for $20,000 for what he says are damages and unpaid electric bills..this is all untrue, and a very long and complicated story. And what I really don’t understand is he didn’t follow proper procedures to evict me, but judge more or less said it didn’t matter. I didn’t even get to tell judge that landlord had béen trying to force me to leave by shutting off power on more than one occasion, making threats to me if I didn’t move..everything about this eviction was based on untrue fact’s because there was no written lease agreement just verbal. There’s so much more I could tell you about this but it would take alot of typing and I don’t have the time to go into detail. I need help because I’m also disabled and all alone. So where do I find help??
