UPDATE:  The CDC eviction moratorium has ended.  Read The Eviction Lab's FAQ to learn more.

April 4th, 2016|
  • M. Tracy

    I had a co-tenant lease with two other housemates. In July, one housemate got sick with COVID, and the other moved out. My landlord nulled the lease while the housemate was in the hospital with COVID. Then the landlord proceeded to harass me while I was attempting to a find places to live, because I could not leave in 15 days like she wanted. She also broke into the house, without a 24-hour notice, and a week later she filed a UD lawsuit in retaliation because I had called the cops after she broke in. The court has not only made it more difficult for me, but actively given me less time to file a response and even sped up the jury trial I requested to be in a week. She is suing me for COVID-related debt owed by my housemates’ whom she let out of the lease. However, in her complaint, she pretends like it is an at-fault eviction without stating the fault so she can get it through the court.

  • Aileen

    My husband has always been a hardworking man. One day he came home from work crying, in a lot of pain all over his entire body. He kept asking me to forgive him because he is in so much pain that he cannot work anymore. This happened during October 2020. My husband has applied for SSI Disability. I am disabled myself, raising our grandson who has Autism Spectrum Disorder. Now there are 3 people in our home who are disabled. (more…)

  • Corey

    I would like to share my situation to give some insight on what’s going on in Mississippi courts. I just left court an hour ago. This is the second time my landlord has filed for eviction during the pandemic. We filed the moratorium in October and had the first case dismissed. We paid rent to date up until last month. Our landlord said she would find a reason to evict us and she did. She said we had an extra dog than was approved 7 years ago, when the lease was initiated; however, she was aware of the “extra” dog and had no problem with it until last month. (more…)

  • Timothy

    I’ve been calling everyone to ask for help paying my utility bill and my rent. Social services and the salvation army are telling me they really cannot help me. I told them I can’t work because I don’t have anyone to watch my three grandchildren. All three of my grandkids have a disability. Two of them have asthma, and my other grandson is on medication for disruptive mood dysregulation disorder. (more…)

  • William

    For the covid crisis, the government only wants to give us $1,200 the first time and $600 this time. How is that paying our rent? Or bills? There’s no jobs. There’s nothing. We need help. We should get $1,200 a month to be able to pay for bills and rent.

  • Renee

    Long story short, my landlord, even though I paid my rent, still filed a malicious eviction around the time the pandemic began in 2020. This was a frivolous attempt to keep my $850 deposit. I was being harassed by the landlord and his tenants. I was the only FM in the house, plus I have proof of persecution as well. The landlord even put a fake ad out there to prevent me from moving, and he told me in a text he knew everyone who rented. I have proof of foul play and am being prevented from seeking legal help. Even the judge denied the removal of the eviction when I proved this to her and had a witness to the event.

  • Carita

    Hello, my name is Carita. I was behind on rent for one month this past October. I applied for help with rent, and I had talked to my landlord about it and he said ok. I did all the necessary paperwork and got approved, but the landlord didn’t want to sign the paperwork. I also filled out an eviction moratorium form, but he wouldn’t take it. I was served eviction papers, and in court the judge granted the eviction.

  • Carey

    My home was foreclosed on in August of 2019. Wells Fargo was the servicer. They refused to answer my questions that I sent to them in a certified document, and then sent me an absolutely ridiculous document that had nothing to do with my mortgage or the loan. At the time I was living by myself in the home, with no family to assist me. I was having to pay some serious household expenses, such as getting my furnace fixed in the middle of winter with no heat. I had to get a heating company to fix it, and of course the cost was the exact amount of the mortgage payment. Well, Wells Fargo did not believe me, and they foreclosed my home and and sold it at an online auction on August 18, 2020. (more…)

  • David

    My dad was a Vietnam war veteran and worked hard all his life. He became a widower in 1998, but eventually remarried and had a daughter—my sister. After a couple of years of living in a small trailer house, he and his wife had a Jim Walters home built on his wife’s property in Pleasanton, Texas, in early 2000. After 17 years of happiness, the mortgage company sent a notice that the property taxes were behind, and that they were going add the total to the bill. (more…)

  • Jessica

    My three children and I have just been served eviction papers due to back rent being due. We were verbally asked to vacate as soon as possible. We were one and a half months behind on rent, but always paying something when we could. A lot of Americans can say the same right now due to this pandemic crisis. Two of my kids are adults—18 and 21—and they never received their pandemic unemployment benefits. One of them didn’t even get a stimulus check. I had received my PUA benefits, and I paid as much as I could as often as possible to our landlord. Meanwhile we are struggling to afford everyday household necessities, trying to keep our phones on, struggling to keep my newly-opened online business running, and to have food when our SNAP benefits are delayed or run out. (more…)

  • Melissa

    My husband always jokes with me that I lived a sheltered life growing up. It’s true—I never saw a homeless person in my hometown of Muskogee, Oklahoma, and our Salvation Army was a thrift store, not a shelter. But I’d always considered us a “poor” family. I grew up using food stamps, usually only got one Christmas present, and I knew what it was like to do without utilities while my dear mother waited for her next check so we could have them turned back on. So I was completely thrown off when the family I have now ended up living in downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma, at the local Salvation Army shelter, and later at the Tulsa Day Center for the homeless. It was a whole new world for me. One that I wouldn’t wish on anyone. (more…)

  • Ellen

    I lived with my boyfriend of 13 years in the home that he was raised in since kindergarten. The home was left to him and his two other siblings. His sister filed for bankruptcy, and she didn’t list the home as exempt. Because of this, we were evicted from the home that was completely paid for. I just don’t get how the bankruptcy and her lawyer could do this to us. I’m so upset because I lost things like my children’s pictures when they were little. I can never replace them. I also lost my father’s ashes. (more…)

  • Julie

    My story begins in September 2019, when my partner of 13 years was diagnosed with liver cancer. We had our own business and home and five children living with us. Their ages ranged between 6 and 20. It was the beginning of a journey that marked many challenges for me, and what I feared most was being left without a home or a father for my children. (more…)

  • Maricela

    I’m a single mother with four kids, and I’m about to be homeless. I’m scared because of the pandemic. I’m looking to rent a room because that’s all I can afford, but so far no one will to rent me. I don’t want my kids out there on the streets. If anyone can please help us, anything would be truly appreciated.

  • Ashley

    I fell behind on my rent, but I was still trying to pay it when my landlord stopped taking my payments. Then they served me with eviction papers stating that the reason was they simply didn’t want to renew my lease. They intentionally left out that I was struggling to make the payments, so they could evict me and bypass the eviction blocking law. I’m a single mom with two kids. We are now we are in a hotel, and I’ve been taking my belongings to the pawn shop every day just to pay for our room. I won’t be able to keep this up.
