UPDATE:  The CDC eviction moratorium has ended.  Read The Eviction Lab's FAQ to learn more.

April 4th, 2016|
  • Florancie D.

    I’ve been homeless so long I don’t know. what stability is.

  • Charlotte H.

    I rented a house last year. This year when it came time to renew the lease the landlord told me he wouldn’t allow me to sign a new lease. That leaves me with 5 weeks to find a new place to live. Hard to do when you’re 70, disabled, and low-income. To make it worse, the young lady who takes care of me and my house does so in return for me allowing her to have a place to live. So now we are both out in the cold.

  • Francine H.

    I am a single mother of 2 teenaged sons. I have worked through the entire pandemic and I have hit rough patches several times along the way. I don’t receive any government assistance. Well I have finally gotten to a place where I really need help. I have an eviction notice and every agency that I have gone too are not able to help me, or they refer me out. Is there any assistance out there for me.

  • Bessie T.

    My husband, our 3 children and I were moving into our 3 bedroom ranch style home. You could tell in our faces that we were happy the Lord blessed us so much! We lived there for 20 years. My 3 children adults now with families of their own. My grandchildren born and lived in that house until the oldest of my grandchildren turned 9. Our landlord sold the house in october 2019. We had 3 days to be out.


  • Mari M

    I was issued a 7 day notice to surrender my apartment. This notice wasn’t issued due to non payment of rent or because I caused damage to the unit, it was issued because my son, who has been diagnosed with several mental health disorders spiraled into an episode again. This episode did not result in any physical harm to any of the other residents, but it did disrupt the community.


  • Sadina S

    Single mom of 2 medical ill boys that became homeless during covid.. We are struggling so bad and here in Georgia gives me no help.or answers me at all… Lord please help.. Never received my Pua and no denial letter.. Please I need one that knows the law and can please save us… Help please because Georgia does NOTHING FOR US….

  • Janet

    The home I lived in for 9 years (1114 Holbrook Street NE) Was sold in a foreclosure sale. We never received any notice for Court. The Attorney that was Assigned to Oversee the Property Helped his friend buy the property. The New Owner along with Representatives Changed my locks and removed everything I owned. (more…)

  • Marilyn V

    The apartment I lived in I had been there for 9 yrs. I was paying $580.00 plus tax. The property was sold and new owners renovated apartments. They wanted me to stay but rent went from $580-$1500 a month. I get $961.00 from Social Security. March 1st, I became homeless. I have 1st and last, deposit for utilities, and moving truck, I’m almost to the penny on budget. I’m paying storage fees of $406.00 a month. (more…)

  • Flores family

    The landlords were given the upper hand and always tried to intimidate renter to the point of “I want and I will take your money.” They use the power and authority to extreme. In my town the court systems will take real quick to evict someone into homelessness. (more…)

  • Sharon

    I was kicked out of my home after caring for my dad with Alzheimer’s and I am disabled too on SSI and I was his guardian and conservator. (more…)

  • RoShawna S

    I live in Tulsa Oklahoma in a fairly decent sized apartment complex. I was working as a MHT mental health pet for Brookhaven I was fired after two-and-a-half 3 months of being infected with covid from the facility. I was forced back on the schedule to work as I was ill the thing is when you’re on the schedule and don’t show up for your shift it’s called abandonment of patient so you lose your job.


  • Davonna W

    I was fired from my job the day before Thanksgiving 2020 and I have not had great luck with finding assistance to help me pay for rent. All the links I’ve visited say that I am not eligible for rental assistance. I’ve applied once and last year and also again early this year but still no luck.

  • Stacey

    I’m going through an unlawful eviction. I had been out of work for 3 weeks because two of my children had Covid-19, and my rent was 14 days late when I came out of quarantine. I went to pay it, and they said that the eviction had already been filed and locked us out on March 17th at 10:30 am, Wednesday morning. He and the civil court and my lawyer all received the moratorium form, and it was certified by the courts, but since a judge didn’t sign it, they said it didn’t really mean anything. (more…)

  • Mary

    About a year and a half ago, we were living in a trailer that was on someone’s property. Since this wasn’t the only trailer on the property, we did not think that it was being rented out illegally. It wasn’t until the EPA advised us that we should move as quickly as possible that we found out that the owner shouldn’t have been renting out any of the trailers. Unbeknownst to any of the tenants on the property, he had been told by the state to stop renting out the trailers, but had not told anyone anything until he was threatened with $1000 per day fine for having tenants living on the property. (more…)

  • Amanda

    I am a Native American single mother of four kids. I became homeless with my kids two years ago. We have been through it all. From sleeping in a tent, to couch surfing, to staying in motels and in our vehicle. We are still homeless and hope something comes through. It’s hard on my kids. We are trying to function the best way we can. School is a big issue, and it’s become overwhelming. Despite our trials and tribulations, we still love and support each other. We also try to help others, even if we have nothing but love, care and support. Thank you and God Bless.
