UPDATE:  The CDC eviction moratorium has ended.  Read The Eviction Lab's FAQ to learn more.

April 4th, 2016|
  • Candace

    I have lived in my apartment for four years. I have two boys—17 and 7. This is the only home my 7-year-old knows. This is the only place he remembers seeing his father and having racing games with him. His father was murdered in 2017.


  • Noelle

    My husband and I are going to evicted because we’re two months behind on our rent. With no car at the present moment, and my husband being sick and having to go to doctors appointments, it’s not very easy. My husband gets Social Security and SSI. Maybe we will get a break soon and everything will work out for us. Godspeed to everyone in this difficult time.

  • Seren

    I am writing to share my personal story: At age 57, I’m facing eviction and homelessness with severe food and Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), Crohn’s disease, an ileostomy, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). These conditions mean that I’m even more susceptible to contracting COVID-19.


  • David

    In 2016, I was with my dream girl, living in a 4 bedroom home in a great neighborhood. She was pregnant and working as a nurse, and I was working a side job painting a sign for a new taco restaurant in town. After work one day, I had a terrible headache. When I started towards the front door of the house, I fell over, hitting my head on the concrete driveway. I tried to get up and kept falling over. I had no idea what was happening. The techs arrived and quickly explained I was having a stroke. My brain was hemorrhaging and I was airlifted to Gainesville, where they saved my life and explained to me the severity of my condition. 


  • Samantha

    With a two-year-old daughter, my partner and I became so terrified as the pandemic got more serious. My partner is a disabled veteran and our daughter is autistic, so I’ve been the only one who could really work, but when the pandemic hit, I couldn’t get my license renewed with the state being shut down. The person that we once saw as a friend, who allowed us to rent from him, quickly turned into the big bad wolf. He wouldn’t give us the chance to pay him. He said he didn’t want our money; he wanted us out. (more…)

  • Nicki

    I am a tenant currently on Section 8 who, because I have health issues and so does my mom whom I help, hasn’t been able to access my mailbox since I had a bad car accident. As a result, my voucher is at risk of being terminated. I can’t find suitable housing for us to move into due to my issues and with the COVID-19 pandemic. Because of this and the nonpayment of rent, my landlord is trying to threaten me with eviction if I don’t sign a new lease, so that he can resume getting payments through their assistance, or else I have to move out. (more…)

  • Lisa

    I’ve rented the same house for 14 years, making great relationships with my neighbors, and my children have grown up in this house, treating it as if we were the owners. Now my first grandson is about to be born in October. My rent has never been late, not one month. Always paid in full, on time, and I was just given 90 days to move. If there is any property available for rent in my city, owners flagrantly take $55.00 per adult to run fake credit history and profit more than the monthly rent itself! Leaving the property vacant for months, with no intention of accepting a desperate family in need of shelter.

  • Paul

    My name is Paul and I’m 58 years old. I have COPD and I’m disabled. My girlfriend and I were renting a trailer and told that we had it as long as we wanted it. Two and half months later, the trailer was sold, and we weren’t aware of it till 5 young guys in their 20s said leave now or we throw you out. So we had to walk 8 miles to my brother’s house. We went to get my things, and they were already moving in and destroying our stuff. They sold my riding mower that I had just bought. I lost all my clothes everything.


  • Jamey

    The coronavirus and all the horrible things it’s destroying in our world has hit me hard. I’m a single, 55 year old woman living in Buffalo, Missouri. I had only been out on my own a few weeks when the coronavirus hit. I had been working 40 plus hours a week at my job. I was cut down to 23 or less. Never able to get unemployment. I just barely made more than allowed, so I wasn’t able to get any money.


  • Mr. and Mrs. Schlueter

    We were evicted on Monday. Only one eviction notice was given to us, on Thursday at 10 a.m. We have no place to go. We have an 8-year-old and 2-year-old. We are on the streets and our stuff is still sitting outside of the trailer. Don’t know where we’re going to put it. No money. My wife works as a home care person, taking care of people who are in need and not making a whole lot of money. We were struggling to make a living for our girls. One of their birthdays is coming up on August 18th, and we have no house to celebrate her birthday in. We’re going to celebrate her birthday on the streets.


  • Dorilynette

    I lost my apartment on August 1st and I have not been working since May. I am now living in a motel, without knowing where I will be in 2 weeks without the stimulus check. I, as well as many many, need this help!!!!! I lost everything I worked hard for and it’s killing me!! Please hear the cry for help! Half the world shouldn’t have to think of where we will be in a day, a week, or a month!!! It’s scary going through this not knowing where to go or what to do.

  • Mario

    All I can say is I’ve been out of my place and homeless for over four years. I do have income. It’s that rent is so high, and as many times as I have contact resourcing, they have never helped.

  • Toney

    Hi. I was evicted almost a year ago. It was a miscommunication issue, so I didn’t know my rights. I am currently homeless. I travel city to city hitchhiking. I sleep in parking lots on benches. I have a mental and physical disorder. It is hard being female on the streets. I have fear of being assaulted every day. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to tell my story.

  • Sandra

    Here is my story. My landlord is a slum lord. He is always on time for the rent, he will cough, sneeze, clear his throat to let me know he is out side my door. He don’t want money orders, he want cash, from the time I moved in he was supposed to fix the dishwasher from holding water and stinking, the kitchen cabinets from water log damage, the washer and dryer connection. When you turn on the water to wash it leaks on the floor in the wash room and in the dining room.


  • Marlaina

    I am a single mom of a 7yr old. Her dad has never paid anything. The court even made his payment to be $60 a month for 3 months and gave him that time to get a job. A job which he never got. I also am an only child and my dad had a major stroke, so I am the sole caregiver for him. I am also disabled due to getting hit by a car.

