UPDATE:  The CDC eviction moratorium has ended.  Read The Eviction Lab's FAQ to learn more.

April 4th, 2016|
  • Candace P

    I need help. I’m homeless and they’re not doing to much here in Springfield Ohio to help. I’ve called and told them a lot of times, and they say there’s nothing they can do, to keep calling back. I’m homeless. I don’t have a phone. It’s winter outside trying to keep warm is hard enough. It’s even harder to find a phone. Please help me please.

  • Staci R

    Well I’ve been at my residence for about 30 years and my landlord’s grandson bought it and want sto move new homes in here, and that’s after they raised rent on us twice. Gave us 60 days to move our mobile home which cost thousands of dollars to do. What can we do

  • CJ

    I arrived home from school and noticed a paper taped to our door I said daddy there’s a Eviction paper on the door. My heart sank . I I had a bad feeling. That moment my life changed . The next morning I heard the words son pack your bags were leaving . The moving process was humbling . I thought I was going to be at the house forever. Being evicted changed my perspective on life. And showed me what being an adult is really about .

  • Charles

    I had walked up to the front door as usual and noticed a letter with scotch tape it read “Eviction”. this was back in 2012 my jr year of high school. The next morning my father asked my to pack EVERYTHING (my clothes) into bag. that night we went looking for a hotel room. That following week we had emptied the entire house . Luckly we could afford a storage facility to put what we couldn’t take with us to our apartment.

  • Sandra H.

    I’m a single mother of 3. I applied for the rent relief program in Feb. In March I received an email saying they launched a new system and that I would have to reapply. I did as soon as I got the email. I received a confirmation email saying my application was successfully submitted. I waited patiently. In June I received a heart dropping email saying my application was denied. (more…)

  • Tamara W.

    My fiancé and I moved into a trailer park in Jan 2019. We needed to find somewhere fast due to his grandmothers passing and her home sold off. We live on his disability of $500 per month. ( I’m in process filing now for my disability from lupus, RA mental health etc). We moved into a trailer park and had to pay previous renters back rent of $1,900 to be allowed the home. Once we moved into the home we realized there was no running water or sewage. The previous renters destroyed the underground piping. (more…)

  • Bilal

    I lived in my apartment for 5 years and due to my health I stopped weaning off my medication and things had me in fear of all this Covid-19 which I never heard of because I kept to myself everyday. So I do admit I messed up by getting valuations which I didn’t understand why. So next thing I knew I had to be out on 8/4/21 6:00am, Police took me to the hospital as a 5150 and I lost everything now I am homeless on the streets nowhere to live with a SSI income, no help nothing. Please someone help me get into a studio or something asap the weather is bout to get bad outside I can’t read as good. (more…)

  • Louise

    I’m being evicted because the owner doesn’t like my company. She is saying they look like druggies. Some of them are in recovery,as I am too. (more…)

  • Steness S.

    My name is Steness. I’m 29 years old and I have a story to tell. All my life from as far back as I can remember has been terrible and hard. I was molested from the ages of 6 till I was 11 and made to do terrible things with my brother and sister and it seems as it has affected my adult life, I’ve struggled with street drugs to battle my demons. (more…)

  • William W.

    So I applied in May for Sarasota County ERA and it took almost 5 months to get it resolved. About 1 month ago the owners of the property moved in the main residence temporarily to renovate. They had lived in N. Carolina previous 5 years and had employed their Sister here to manage and rent the property. (more…)

  • Shannon M.S.

    From the day this whole COVID-19 started I have been losing everything I worked my butt off for just to be kicked out of my house, all because I lost my job my car and my identity was stolen in 2019 twice. (more…)

  • Alice N.

    After living in an apartment and paying rent for 24 years, where I raised my daughter, volunteered in the community, help my neighbors in time of tragedy I was practically forced out by a new owner who took over the complex and completely turned it upside down. (more…)

  • Christina

    I have 3 kids and the neighbors keep calling the cops about how loud the house is and there is a neighbor instigating fights with me on purpose. Of course, I ignore it but they keep calling the police and that is a violation of the lease. I unfortunately lost my job and cannot afford to get into a new place. (more…)

  • Mercedes W.

    Hi my name is Mercedes. I am 24 yrs old, from Atlanta GA. I have 5 brothers and 6 siblings I am the oldest of 11 children. My mom is a single mother without any help from the children’s father. She’s been raising us and taking care us all by herself. I have been homeless for about 5 months, staying an abandoned houses or going to friends houses to stay at times. It is very hard trying to make it out here without any support. (more…)

  • Susanna T.

    Me and my kids lost our house and a house fire about 2 months ago so we been homeless. I have 3 kids and trying to get back on my feet is hard.
